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Simply put our done for you program allows you the freedom of not having to learn all the inner workings of the software needed to be able to run your full marketing and advertising campaigns we lay all things out based on your needs and specific wants for your organization, come up with the best billing solution for you and we get to work implementing and updating you all along the way.

Advertising In Florida Marketing 360 Done For You Program

You will still have the benefit of being able to log into your own back office and get a grasp of the ongoing goals and milestones (which we find vey helpful) in best monetizing you campaign strategy. Our done for you program works seamlessly with what you you may or may not already have in place for your organization.

Advertising In Florida Marketing 360 Do it Yourself Program

Empowering through process is something we have stood by and continue to stand by. While some may not have a desire to fully embrace learning new concepts or strategies for their business, others may love to do exactly that for their organizations, our do it yourself program structures a marketing system that can be learned and we help you to develop structure for your own company.

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Our do it yourself program is not exactly how it sounds, although many things will be done on your end, we set you up with your own marketing system and walk you through the on-boarding process along with training videos we help to get you pointed in the right direction and and stick with you through the learning process.

Our do it yourself program works well with individuals or startup businesses that may not be working with bigger budgets, but is just as effective if you are willing to go through the learning process.

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We believe a good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) should be the center of any serious business big or small, a CRM is like the central nervous system for your organization, we see many startups or independent contractors without a good CRM. We help you with a very solid CRM and show you how to manage pipelines of your workflow and can also scale as your business grows.

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Short message service marketing is vetted as one of the most successful ways of acquiring new customers with a 98% open rate above the average 22% open rate of email marketing it’s clear that the use of SMS is highly effective for a successful marketing campaign. If you would like to also learn about being able to run a successful SMS marketing campaign give us a call.

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Social Targeting is another component in overall marketing and rapidly becoming one of the most used ways to target the kinds of clients or customers that would best utilize your product or service through social behavior and demographics.


If your aim is to grow only within your local market we have a local business directory that would work wonders for new exposure to your brand, we use a combination of local listings and other marketing strategies for businesses wanting to use the power of A.I.F local listings.



Do you have a website that may or may not be getting many visitors per month?, if so you could be doing yourself and your company a huge dis-service by not having re-targeting built into your platform, let’s say you have 5,000 unique visitors per month but you are only getting 100 sales out of the 5,000 visitors per month… Now the problem is without re-targeting you have no way to have further conversation with the other 4,900 visitors who left your platform.

Without making a purchase decision, re-targeting allows you to capture their data and have further conversations in order to convert your lost visitors to become customers and clients.


Marketing 360 Automation in Florida


When you are looking to do great SEO (Search Engine Optimization), then great SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a highly needed as a part of the process. As SEO is a component of SEM, SEO is used to optimize your website or funnel while SEM is used to further the marketing your website.

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We have spoken to hundreds of startup to small to medium sized businesses and one thing that cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to email & Marketing Automation, is this is NOT an auto-responder. If you are a individual, small or startup business marketing automation will give your business the look and feel of a big brand while allowing you to scale your company at a much faster rate than just about any other solution on its own.

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